Jun 29, 2008

Camping is in tents!

This weekend was spent camping with the gf and friends in celebration of future roommate Melissa's 21st B-day. Personally I had a blast. It was pretty laid back and although we were very under prepared as far as food/snacks, we had plenty of open lake to swim in. Not only that, but with the help of alcohol and a good 5 games of "I Never" I managed to learn a lot of deep and sexual secrets about everyone there. Swimming, hot dogs and sex secrets...it was a good weekend.

On the way back we hit up the gf's parents house to pick up our rabbit that had been staying with them while our new house was being cleaned. They really took a liking to him and would probably keep him if we let them. But the best part of my day was setting him down on our hardwood floors and watching him flip out. He's just got no traction on hardwood with those claws of his and it freaks him out. So now he has to slowly creep along to get from place to place, but mostly he just hangs out near the furniture, probably so he can push off of it if he needs to run.

Random Thoughts:
  • Not having personal internet connection=Bad
  • Mooching off sketchy wireless from some neighbor= frustrating and almost impossible for WoW
  • New desk set up is working well so far
  • Job search is going poorly, need to step it up.
  • I need to get my freaking bike back from DZ's house

Jun 23, 2008



Number dos?

So today I completed the infamous game Portal. First off, I just could not, under any circumstances, get it to work on my computer. Something about my 945GM express video card which was extremely frustrating and only further entrenched me in my desire to get a nice gaming desktop.

So I installed it on my girlfriends computer, a brand new Dell XPS laptop and even that had some trouble playing it. In the end though, I managed to play the game and got though more than half of it yesterday and the rest today. All in all it was a lot of fun, and quite a bit more plot than I expected. While I would have been perfectly content with it simply presenting a puzzle for me to solve with my super-duper-awesome portal gun, it turned out to have some not so clever, but still funny jokes and a plot.

As fun as Portal was, it was merely a diversion, something to distract and entertain my child-like mind while my internet is too unreliable for WoW. It's just good enough to squeeze out some dailies before I get fed up with the lag and start belittling my computer for its inferior speed. It probably won't be till the first that we get a reliable connection after starting our subscription. Speaking of subscriptions, it just occurred to me that I'm out about $8 this month from not utilizing my WoW subscription. Blizzard loves to milk us dry with these monthly fees. It's like selling someone some crack but making them pay every time they want to put it in a syringe.

To fill my time I have also been working my way through the 360 version of Turok which has be very entertaining. The animation is good, the characters are pretty well developed and the plot...well I was sold at the killing dinosaurs part, after that I stopped paying attention. It's great other than that it's very obvious they are trying to turn throw it out in the general direction of Halo, as all other FPS's have, but with no success. There are simply no grounds for anyone to compete with Halo. And while I wait for some fatty monthly check to cover an xbox live account, my epic Halo skills will have to sit on the counter collecting dust.

Jun 22, 2008

Numero Uno

So this is the first, in hopefully many many posts. Now I know anyone with a blog or with aim or who plays an mmo can relate, picking a name has to be the hardest part. I seriously sat here staring at my screen for a good 10 min...and nothing. Even using the "random article" jump on wikipedia came up with nothing.

But I've always liked the word Lux. I've only heard it two places, the name of Kirstin Dunst's character in "The Virgin Suicides" and from a few guilds on my server in World of Warcraft. However, after googling it I found out that lux is actually a metric measurement of luminosity.

In any case, I came down to naming this blog Lux LTD for whatever reason and here we are. I don't have anything in particular I plan on writing about, but I know that my addiction *caugh* I mean.. my medicated use of World of Warcraft will probably come up a lot. My relationship with my girlfriend may also come up, as well as a healthy spattering of stupid shit I find on the web that will hopefully be amusing to someone other than myself.

Other than that, I just plan on writing...and that's about it. I am a journalism major at the University of Oregon and this blog will hopefully help me stay up on my game, so to speak. And on that topic, tomorrow I start my first magazine writing class. I'm excited and nervous at that same time. I'm just glad it's the only class I'm taking this summer so that I hopefully won't suck at it.

That's an awkward place to end but I'm gonna do it anyways. But how to sign off? Should I make some witty reference to something in pop culture? Should I be cute or funny or pretend that I'm hip hop? The possibilities are endless! For now I guess I'll go with...

-Hugs and kisses