So this is the first, in hopefully many many posts. Now I know anyone with a blog or with aim or who plays an mmo can relate, picking a name has to be the hardest part. I seriously sat here staring at my screen for a good 10 min...and nothing. Even using the "random article" jump on wikipedia came up with nothing.
But I've always liked the word Lux. I've only heard it two places, the name of Kirstin Dunst's character in "The Virgin Suicides" and from a few guilds on my server in World of Warcraft. However, after googling it I found out that lux is actually a metric measurement of luminosity.
In any case, I came down to naming this blog Lux LTD for whatever reason and here we are. I don't have anything in particular I plan on writing about, but I know that my addiction *caugh* I mean.. my medicated use of World of Warcraft will probably come up a lot. My relationship with my girlfriend may also come up, as well as a healthy spattering of stupid shit I find on the web that will hopefully be amusing to someone other than myself.
Other than that, I just plan on writing...and that's about it. I am a journalism major at the University of Oregon and this blog will hopefully help me stay up on my game, so to speak. And on that topic, tomorrow I start my first magazine writing class. I'm excited and nervous at that same time. I'm just glad it's the only class I'm taking this summer so that I hopefully won't suck at it.
That's an awkward place to end but I'm gonna do it anyways. But how to sign off? Should I make some witty reference to something in pop culture? Should I be cute or funny or pretend that I'm hip hop? The possibilities are endless! For now I guess I'll go with...
-Hugs and kisses
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