Jul 8, 2008

Chat Noir

Raiding raiding raiding. This last weekend was especially heavy on the raiding. And while our progression runs into SSC and Hyjal weren't terribly successful, they weren't absolutely horrible either. But the highlight of my WoW weekend was a Kara run with the guild. It was my first time in Kara with this group and we just bent Midihv's house over and gave it what for.

With my last guild we would stumble into Kara, wipe repeatedly for 4-5 hours before giving up. We only ever downed a few of the bosses and only got Prince down like 4 times. But now, with the uber DPS of PR (my guild) we worked that tower. Maiden went down in under a 2min, and the others followed similarly. Only Nightbane gave us trouble, and we wiped 3 times before finally getting out healing/aoe's right on the bone shower.

In other news, the parental units are coming into town tomorrow and I'm excited. I'm never super pumped to see them, I did spend 18 years with them, but I'm psyched to show off our new house. It's not much of a home yet, we have very little furniture and two of our roommates haven't moved in yet, so it's rather empty. But it's our home and I get to show it off damn it.

I'm writing this post from work where I've been wasting time on the game Chat Noir, available here http://www.gamedesign.jp/flash/chatnoir/chatnoir.html. That little black gatto has me hating its guts as I just can't seem to corner him more than every 5-6 tries.

Random Thoughts:
  • I'm looking to upgrade to a nice, corded, gaming mouse now that I have a more secure work area. I also want the Belkin n52te speed gamepad. Fingers crossed on a birthday gift!
  • There's a lot of controversy on rolling a gnome death knight when the expansion hits. Personally I'm just going to pick whichever race looks more badass on the character selection screen. I may even switch factions to get a high level hordie.

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