Jul 2, 2008

The internet...OF TOMORROW!!!!

Today we had our very own internet modem installed by a nice comcast man with an ICP tattoo on his forearm (ICP referring to the Insane Clown Posse aka angry white trash kids). But I would still kneel to him for restoring the life giving blood that is broadband internet.

Until now we were relying on whatever single bar, unsecured wireless networks we could pick up in our neighborhood. But alas we now have our very own and it is glorious. Today I confidently finished my dailies and signed up for a weekend pack full of raiding. Friday is Hyjal, Saturday is SSC and we'll wrap up on Sunday with a good old Kara Run. The first two will be my first time stepping foot into either instance or any T5 instance for that matter. Kara on the other hand I've done many times but never with my new guild, Phoenix Resurrection. I'm excited to see how quickly we can clear it after several 5-6 hour attempts with my last guild that still would wipe on Prince and completely skip Nightbane.

In other news, the Olympic trials, as many of you know, are being held right now in my very own town of Eugene. It's exciting to be sure, but for someone who can't just take a 2 week vacation and blow $100 a day on fair food, I've only been once. And to boot, they are conveniently located between my home and work/any where I want to go in Eugene other than my home.

And to frustrate me even more it seems that despite all the money and business the trials are bringing into town, I can't find a job. Sure I have one already, but if I'm to afford anything nice, or upgrade my groceries above peanut butter sandwiches and ramen, I'm going to need a night job. I was really hoping to land one at Best Buy or Circuit City, but no such luck yet. You better believe I'd milk that discount for all it was worth, and probably just dump my paycheck right back into the store. But hey, what can ya do?

Speaking of paychecks, my birthday is coming up and I'm psyched. We're throwing a party on Saturday, the 19th and it's going to be a blast. I have a lot of friends coming in from out of town and a few that stayed in town for the summer will be there. I just hope in all their travels to get to me they won't forget to bring some bomb ass gifts. Only a few of them know me well enough to give me something truly thoughtful, so I'm excited to see what the others think I'm into. I wouldn't be surprised to get some rollerblading gear from Matt, even though I have almost no time to invest in picking that back up this summer after 2 years of down time.

Random Thoughts:
  • Mouse has been intermittently unresponsive...MAKE HULK MAD!!!
  • My computer just seems to get slower and slower. Hopefully soon I'll be able to afford the sick gaming desktop that I keep having wet dreams about.
  • Bunny+wood floors= hilarious! But seriously, he's a little pussy, he needs to just get used to them cause we ain't getting carpet.

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